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Program Management, Project Management & Consulting

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Environmental Management

Quality Assurance - Quality Control

Safety Development

Laboratory Testing Evaluations



Waste Water and Storm Water Management

Industries are implementing management strategies to improve water quality by conserving water, eliminating use of contaminants and reducing degradation by treating wastewaters effectively before discharge.
Scientists and engineers are searching for ways to reduce the quantity and improve the quality of wastewater treatment. Industries are seeking to comply with water quality criteria and are adopting best practice environmental management and cleaner production techniques.

ECMS’ goal when hired by their clients is to assure water quality and strategies for achieving them are followed under the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 1997 (EPP). The EPP is an important tool for ensuring that the broad environmental protection measures are better defined and upheld when it comes to the specific issues of protecting client’s interest.

ECMS adheres to strict protocols for waste water management. Laws administered by the EPA usually dictate wastewater has to be treated or contaminates removed before it can be discharged to waterways or involving environmentally relevant activities (ERAs) involving wastewater releases that might have a local impact.

ECMS will implement state of the art monitoring techniques as it involves wastewater discharges and the quality of waterways that receive wastewater. ECMS field testing can be carried out instantaneously for water quality measures such as temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. Test samples are also taken to an approved laboratory for enhanced analysis. We interact with each client to provide the necessary monitoring which will provide factual information about water quality. The valued information obtained through monitoring, provides the basis for making water quality decisions. When challenging situations are encountered; ECMS experience personnel will be available to carry out a strategic protocol to immediately rectify any problems.


ECMS, Inc.
4911 Lyons Avenue
Houston, TX 77020

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